SkyWest Interview Gouge and Assessment Guide
Updated: Feb 7
If you have Sky West interview coming up this is a must-read to give yourself the best opportunity for being prepared and getting into Sky West. The interview is hosted by pilot recruiters and will cover basic behavioral, company, and technical questions. It's best to have an overall view of what to expect and don't try to predict the interview. Below are questions and situations you can expect during your interview for Sky West Airlines. Please read the JEPP charts and package they send to you and go through them as a flight so you understand and have knowledge of it. They will ask questions about the charts and if you do not know anything just say you don't know but you would look it up.
The below guide has hundreds of interview questions on what could possibly be asked during your interview and gives guidance and answers to the technical portion. If during your study and research, If you have any questions please contact and I will get back to you with any help I can provide about the Interview prep or information regarding the company from one of the many mentor pilots working with Easy Aviation Theory.

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