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REX- Regional Express Airline Review

Writer's picture: MarkMark

Updated: Aug 31, 2023

If you are looking at starting your aviation career or joining REX this information will help you with your interview and give you more detail than you can find online for REX and life as a pilot at REX. The information comes from applicants that have interviewed and are flying for REX. Please go to the forum to get more information and share your experience and ask questions if you are looking at joining the AAPA REX cadetship or joining REX as a pilot in 2023.


When was REX created:

Regional Express was created in 2002 when a consortium of investors from Singapore and Australia came together to purchase the regional sector of the liquidation of Ansett. The regional sector included Kendall and Hazelton Aviation which were operating profitably before being bought by Ansett. These 2 regional airlines were amalgamated and bought as Regional Express known as REX and conducted their first flight from Wagga Wagga to Sydney on August the 2nd.

Who Owns REX:

Regional Express also known as REX is owned predominantly by a group of investors consisting of the following: REX is not owned by Qantas!




Mr Kim Hai Lim






Thian Soo Lee



Joo Chye Chua



Ming Yew See Toh & Hui Ing Tjoa



Where does Rex Fly?

REX flies all over Australia with a dominance in Regional Australia connecting smaller cities and towns to major cities like Sydney, Brisbane, Melbourne, Perth, and Adelaide. The SAAB 340 does the majority of flying while the B737 flies to major cities breaking into the "Golden Triangle" known as flights between Brisbane, Sydney, and Melbourne. Rex is constantly changing routes and expanding including the introduction of 2 new B737 in June and July this year (2023). Information on the Boeing B737 can be found here

REX SAAB Flight Locations,REX Airline Review, REX airlines, REX flight locations,
REX SAAB Flight Locations

Boeing 737 Routes and Flight Locations 2023, REX Airline Review, REX airlines, REX B737
Boeing 737 Routes and Flight Locations

What does a Rex Pilot get paid?

REX Airlines has two EBAs, the SAAB 340 EBA was just voted in with the pilot body agreeing to it by 86% for the next 4 years. Saab pilots training can expect $60K until training is finished with a max time of 3 months and then the salary increases year on until Captain. Standby for actual EBA figures but you can expect anything from 70k upwards on the SAAB 340.

The Boeing 737 pilots are on the minimum award which is 120k a year not including overnight and flying allowances, they are currently negotiating on an EBA for 129k for the first 2 years and then 134K after that.

Is Rex a good Airline to work for?

Rex has considerable advantages over GA operators in Australia. They have great flight locations in multi-crew aircraft including the SAAB 340 and B737. Training is provided and IFR recency is cyclical and provided in-house by REX. Rex is not the top-paying operator in Australia and is run like a smaller company lacking resources for roster planning, scheduling, and pilot benefits. Below you will find some of the benefits associated with flying or REX as a pilot or cabin crew.

What Aircraft does REX fly?

Rex currently has a fleet of 61 SAAB 340s and 8 Boeing 737s with 1 more arriving in August 2023.

REX B737, REX Airline Reivew, REX Interview Questions, REX Airline Information
REX has 8 B737s

REX has 61 SAAB 340 aircraft in 2023 flying around Australia
REX has 61 SAAB 340 aircraft

Where are the REX bases?

REX pilot bases for the SAAB and B737
Regional Express (REX) bases

REX Airlines Interview Information

REX Airlines Interview Information from the latest pilot candidates can be purchased on the product page or directly below. Get the best source and information money can buy, we don't just provide you with an information sheet like other aviation preparation companies. We can help construct scenarios, edit your resume, provide mentoring, and coach you with the expected questions for all airline interviews, unlike other Interview and Airline Preparation companies in Australia.

How much do REX Pilots get paid?

Should the 1 July 2023 Air Pilots Award Wage Increase determined by the Fair Work Commission be greater than 4% (5.25%), the Company will apply such higher percentage instead of 4% to the base salaries and training and checking allowances applicable from the first pay period commencing on or after 1 July 2023. This provision only applies to the 1 July 2023 increase. The increases will be effective from the start of the first pay period commencing on or after 1 July 2023, 1 July 2024 and 30 June 2025.

Salaries as follows B737:

Captain – Year 1-2 $202,420

Captain – Year 3 $207,420

First Officer – Year 1-2 $129,820 (Checked to line or 6 Months)

First Officer – Year 3 - $134,820

Training Salary – as $122,672

Pilots will be paid an hourly rate once the Pilot exceeds 52 flight hours per roster


Simulator time is counted as flight time at a ratio of 1:1.

Simulator Check Captains are guaranteed a minimum of 72 flight hour credits per roster period.

Annual leave will receive a prorate flight hour credit of 2.88 hours per allocated annual leave day in relation to this clause only.

Pilots will be paid a Daily Travel Allowance (DTA) of $7.23 per hour from sign on at Home Base to sign off at Home Base,

Training Bond for REX Pilot


Bond for Non-endorsed FO - $30,000,

The pilot who requires a refresher-$10,000

Bond for Pilot Upgrading to CPT -$15,000.

Maximum term of the training bond is for 3 years.

Training bond reduces on a monthly basis over the term of the bond when the pilot is

checked to line.

REX Information Package for Flight Crew


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