Boeing 737 Memory Items, Limitations, Systems and Preflight Set UP
Updated: Oct 1, 2024
Limitations and QRC information for the Boeing 737-800. These limitations may vary depending on the aircraft and operator you fly for. Please seek/learn your actual aircraft type FCOM, this information is for reference and general information only. Comment below if you have any various limitations and information on the 737 you fly.
Preflight Flows for a B737:
Boeing 737 limitations:
Runway slope: +/- 2°
Maximum take-off and landing tailwind component: 10kts
Maximum speeds for flap: placard
Maximum operating altitude: 41,000ft
Crosswind and wind limitations for B737
Maximum wing component for Autoland:
Headwind: 25kts
Crosswind: 2025kts
Crosswind CAT II/III 15kts
Maximum take-off and landing tailwind component: 15kts
Maximum Crosswind Take-off: 43kts and 25 WET
Maximum Crosswind Landing: 40kts WET/DRY
Severe turbulence penetration speed is 280KIAS/.76M whichever is lower. Applicable to CLB and DES only. During Cruise refer to SP (Supplement procedures) .16
The maximum allowable in-flight difference between Captain and First officer altitude displays for RVSM operations is 200ft.
Weight Limitations:
MRW: 174,700 lbs /
MTOW:174,200 lbs / 79 242KG
MLW: 146,300 lbs / 66,360kG
MZFW:138,300 lbs/
Engine Limitations for the B737:
Maximum and Minimum limits are red
Caution limits are amber
The maximum time limit for take-off thrust is 5 mins
Ignition Limitations for the B737
Engine ignition must be on AUTO/CONT position for:
Operation in heavy rain
APU Limitations:
APU Bleed and Electrical load Inflight 10,000ft
APU bleed 17,000ft
APU electrical load 41,000ft
Boeing 737 Fuel System:
The Boeing 737 has 3 fuel tanks, these tanks are the mains tanks located in the wing and the center tank which is only used if the main tanks one and two are full. The main tanks (wings) contain 8,630 lbs of fuel and the center tank can store 28,803 lbs of fuel. The aircraft can not have an imbalance of more than 1000lbs or 430kgs in the tanks during taxi, take-off, and landing. An imbalance of zero between tanks is scheduled however; imbalances inflight can occur due to engine failure or leak. Each tank can be used to provide fuel to the engines however fuel transfer can not take place in flight.
Fuel Pumps in the B737:
The Boeing 737 has 2 pumps in each tank, the center tanks are a higher pressure so they can supply the engines with fuel prior to the wing tanks. The fuel pumps are powered by the AC system. A total loss of AC power can result in a flame out however the engine-driven pumps (2 in each engine) help provide the required pressure prior to the engine if there is a loss of AC power.
APU fuel pump and fuel feed:
The APU also has an AC pump and DC pump that can allow it to take fuel from the main left tank or center tank if the AC pump is on. Boeing recommends using the Center tank if fuel is in it or the main wing tank to allow the APU DC pump to not wear out.
Boeing Hydraulics System:
The Boeing 737 has 3 hydraulic systems, A,B and the Stand-by system. All 3 have various aircraft components that they power. The system has redundancy through the flight controls being powered by both A and B. The hydraulic system also includes a Power Transfer Unit (PTU) and Landing Gear Transfer Unit). These hydraulic components help with powering the leading edge flaps and retracting the gear when there is a loss of either system A or B.
Flight spoilers Flight Spoilers
Landing Gear Landing Gear Transfer Unit
Ailerons Ailerons
Ground Spoilers Thrust Reverser 2
Rudder Trailing Edge Flaps 2
Alternate Brakes Elevator and Elevator feel
Nose wheel steering Rudder
Thrust Reverser 1 Yaw Damper
Main Cargo Door Normal Brakes
Auto-pilot A Auto-pilot B
PTU Leading Edge Flaps and Slats
Elevator and Elevator Feel Auto-slats

Memory Items:
Unreliable Airspeed,
Runaway Stabilizer,,
Cabin Altitude Warning
Emergency Descent,
Engine Fire, Severe Damage or Separation,
Engine Overheat,
Aborted Engine Start,
Loss of Thrust on Both Engines,
Take-Off Configuration Warning,
Landing Configuration Warning,
Engine Surge or Stall,
Runaway Stabilizer:
Control Colum.....................................................Hold Firmly
Auto Pilot .................(if engaged)......................Disengage
Auto Throttle ............(if engaged)......................Disengage
Control Colum and Thrust Levers..... Control Airplane Pitch attitude and airspeed
Main Electric Stabilizer trim................Reduce control colum forces
If the runaway stops after the autopilot is disengaged: Do not Re-engage the autopiulot or auto-throttle End of Checklist
If the runaway continues after the autopilot is disengaged:
STAB TRIM cutout switches (both) ..............Cutout If the runaway continues: Stabilizer trim wheel...... Grasp and Hold
Unreliable Airspeed:
Auto Pilot ..................(if engaged)......................Disengage
Auto Throttle ............(if engaged)......................Disengage
FD switches (Both) off
Set the following gear-up pitch attitude and thrust:
Flaps extended:
10 and 80% N1
Flaps up
4 and 75% N1
Cabin Altitude Warning
Don oxygen masks and set regulator to 100%
Establish Crew communications
Pressurization mode selector.............................Manual
outflow Valve Switch...........................................Hold in the CLOSE until the outflow VALVE indication shows full closed
If cabin altitude is uncontrollable: Passenger signs...................................................ON PASS OXYGEN switch.........................................ON
Go to the Emergency descent checklist on page 0.1 End of Checklist
Emergency Descent
Engine Fire, Severe Damage or Separation,
Engine Overheat,
Aborted Engine Start,
Loss of Thrust on Both Engines,
Take-Off Configuration Warning,
Landing Configuration Warning,
Engine Surge or Stall,
IRS/ Navigation:
Take-off Modes:

LNAV will engage at 50ft if selected on the MCP, Autopilot limit is to engage at 400ft min.
B737 Oral Questions:
Questions to know and understand for the FAA/EASA oral exams conducted for a B737 type rating.
What is the max take-off and landing tailwind component?
10 kts
What is the severe turbulent air penetration speed?
280kts or .76M, which ever is lower.
Which phases of flight do we apply this airspeed? Clb and Des
What do we refer to for Cruise? SP 176
What is the maximum takeoff and landing altitude?
8400 ft, w/High Altitude Switch? High altitude 13500
What can’t we operate during refueling operations? HF radio or WX radar
What are the altimeter accuracy requirements for RVSM airspace?
Before Take-off the altimeters must read within 75ft from the airport elevation and no more than 50ft difference between the two.
The maximum allowable inflight difference between Captain and First Officer altitude displays for RVSM operations is 200ft
The aircraft should not be allowed to overshoot or undershoot by more than 150ft
All exceedance of 300ft or greater must be reported to ATC
What is the max inflight difference between the CA and FO's altitude displays for RVSM operations?
50 ft below 5000ft and 60 ft from 5000ft max difference between CATP an FO
While conducting pre-flight in CVG, CA and FO’s have a 50ft difference. Does this meet RVSM?
Yes. Requirements? What if we were in DEN? Between
If the CA and FO altimeter display the same altitude but differ from Field Elevation by 50ft, are we legal for RVSM?
Yes, max is 75ft from the field elevation.
With either one or more Engine Bleed air switches ON, what position should not be selected for the Air conditioning packs during T/O, Approach, or Landing?
What are the weight limitations?
MLW: $66,360
MTOW: 79,015kg
How to Start a Boeing B737:
The normal starter duty cycle is 2 minutes with 10 seconds needed between starts. Multiple consecutive starts may be attempted.
Announce Start Sequence, PM will turn off Packs, and ensure the cross bleed value is open and APU bleed ON, turn start switch to GND and set CHRON .
ENG 2 will spool up, at 25% N2: ENG Start Lever to IDLE DENT, check fuel valves turn on (bright/dim), FF will increase and EGT will begin to increase.
When N2 at 49% voice recorder will flick to AUTO- makes a noise,
N2 at 56%, the engine is stable and PM will look at the start switch to confirm is has moved to AUTO/OFF and call "Starter Cutt-out".
When both engines are started and the RED EGT ground limit indicators have removed from the EGT indication the PM can do the after-start flow.
Turbine Engine Start Faults
Do the ABORTED ENGINE START checklist when the following occur:
the N1 or N2 does not increase or increases very slowly after the EGT increases,
there is no oil pressure indication by the time that the engine is stable at idle,
the EGT does not increase by 15 seconds after the engine start lever is moved to IDLE detent,
The ET quickly nears or exceeds the start limit.
Preflight Setup - Boeing
All aircraft have a flow or sequence of tasks that need to be completed to start and power the systems and engines for flight. I have written a summary of tasks and steps to help those that do not have company operations manuals and FCOMS. All aircraft are different and for this sequence of tasks for this flow, the setup will include an operating ACAR system to produce the performance and flight plan information needed to operate the aircraft and get clearance.
Preflight Setup:
Enter the aircraft, and conduct the security check in the galley, and cockpit.
Check circuit breakers and manual landing gear handles,
Complete IRS initialization, and overhead scan, and set outside lights set, check the parking brake for exterior inspection.
Complete the Walk Around
Set up the CDU- Initial, Position, Route (execute), ARV/DEP (check departure and arrival for discontinuities)/Execute, Init ( Weights-CI-Cruz Level, Temp), N1, Takeoff page 2 then 1 ( NADP height set, cut back off).
Initial ACARS, Initial get ATIS, Set Performance Data, Enter PDC data (send -30).
Initial ACARS: Add CPT,FO ID, check Flight number, check and make Date BIG, Add departure time and ETE(flight time),
PDC: Check the route and flight number, enter AC type: B738, Parking bay: AMZ, send at -30 from Departure. When clearance is received, read and brief off FMS, then print and put in flight folder.
Performance: Enter RWY's, wind, temp, QNH, Flap preferred, Anti Ice, Runway RCAM and Non-Normals. Send data, When received; View Data and exit to print data.
Complete Preflight Scan: Overhead, MCP set (FD and CRS (OEI Route)), Oxygen check to displays and Center Panel, Center Pedestal set.
APU required: Fire check beforehand.
Preflight Checklist
Brief the following when required:
Takeoff SID/Charts/RTO/OEI
Performance when sable reviewed and cross-checked.
Sable information leads to OFP ZFW/TOW being entered and checked for fuel requirements.
Enter ZFW to T/O data ACARS and then brief performance once received T/O data via ACAR's,
CDU Brief,
Ground wants to close the Cargo door, and must pressurize system A ( Beacon on, Elec A on)
When cargo is loaded and doors closed, FO must go check doors are closed and engines for damage.
Captain can confirm clear to close. clear to arm. Close Doors (flags down), clear to arm (arm girt bars), close cockpit , door, and set up for pushback.
Clear to pressurize with nose wheel bypass pin installed is trigger for:
Before start flow: Pumps, Pumps, Light
Before Start Checklist
Get ATC push and start approval,
Push back: ATC set to ALT
Start Engines: Set Eng SD, Packs Off, ISO OPEN, APU bleed ON, Start switches as RQD
Engines started and Captain confirms Gnd to disconnect:
Power to ENG gen, Probe to Auto, Packs ON, ISO Auto, APU bleed off, APU off, Start switches AUTO or CONT, set Flight panel, Ground Clear, Flap.... set, Before Taxi Checklist completed, Taxi clearance and Flash ground crew.
During Taxi:
Set frequencies, WX/TER on as rqd
Before Takeoff Checklist
Before entering Run-Way:
Required fuel is......, ...... onboard.
Entering Runway: lights, camera, action
Lights on for Runway: Scrobe, runway, taxi, and logo
Camera: What we need to see, WX/TERR
Action: ATC- TA/RA
Runway ......, Heading Checks
Cleared for TAKEOFF: Landing Lights ON